Tuesday, January 25, 2011

the bombastic inaugural post

So. New year, new blog, in all its tacky, self-important glory. This blog will be about food. Predominantly. And pretentious, of course. Because hey, I'm a snob. I like my food authentic. If it ain't pure, I ain't eating it. Which is of course, a pretentious statement in itself since I have enjoyed new-fangled fusion fare before. I just pretend I don't. And pretentious because even though I proclaim that I'm a conoisseur, I do not know half the terms that Anthony Bourdain rattle off in his shows. I've not eaten half the things he has. Nonetheless one can always aspire to great things, and perhaps in this blog I will occasionally try too hard and end up with some badly written farce.

Or on other days, I will talk about the mediocre cooking attempts as I try to tough it out in what I call a foodie desert (*ahem*Houston*ahem*). Perhaps I will pick at the meagre pickings in interesting/good cuisine. Occassionally I will gripe about the appalling standard of Asian cuisine here because any southeast asian who knows his/her salt will tell you that asian cuisine has depth and is not just Chinese or Japanese etc. There are variations. There are subtleties. And it matters. Or maybe I'm just homesick.

So, what would it be tomorrow?

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